
Then His Wife Called Me…..

Yea, so John was fun and very cool, he didn’t require a lot of attention and was not put off by my busy schedule – I should have known there was a reason for that. We only dated for about 5 weeks and we spoke once a week and hung out only once a week, it was the perfect situation, and he was a riot to hang out with. Never a dull moment. Things were perfect – that was, until his wife called me yelling and screaming. I honestly had no idea, and once we started talking, she calmed down and I told her exactly where to find her husband on Saturday night, at a restaurant in soho, waiting for me….I’m only sorry that I wasn’t there to see the look on his sorry little face.

Well, he wasn’t crazy – but he was a married dog who should be castrated. The crazy part is that it wasn’t the first time I got a call from someone’s wife --- Seriously this is why I hate men!


Anonymous said...

What's up with men who cheat? Do they really think they won't get caught? And I can't see many straight women following in the open-relationship path that so many "married" gay men like to take. Both people in a relationship better be on the same page about that stuff or look out, honey, there will be fireworks -- but no spark! --M

Sharing is Caring

From psychos, to stalkers, to just little crazy, if there is something mentally wrong with them, they find me and are immediately drawn in. I don't know how to stop it, but I've decided to no longer hold onto these gems. Instead, I've decided to 'out' these individuals and share my WTF moments of the day.

The stories are True, the names are Unchanged and the message is clear "Sooner or later, the crazy just comes out."