
Why French Men Don't Get Caught....

I came across this article in Best Life magazine and thought it was an interesting read...must share with you all, Enjoy!

Why French Men Don’t Get Caught
In America, a lapse in monogamy ruins marriages, bankrupts couples, and condemns families to divorce-court hell. In Europe and elsewhere, infidelity is considered a bump in the road, if it's considered at all. Here's why....

Best Life Magazine - Frenchies


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From psychos, to stalkers, to just little crazy, if there is something mentally wrong with them, they find me and are immediately drawn in. I don't know how to stop it, but I've decided to no longer hold onto these gems. Instead, I've decided to 'out' these individuals and share my WTF moments of the day.

The stories are True, the names are Unchanged and the message is clear "Sooner or later, the crazy just comes out."